SAP Note 130648 - R3load export: Write_ddloadd failed (rc=101)

Component : Installation Tools -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses an error in programs R3LDCTL, R3LDCTLORA, and R3szchk related to table DDLOADD handling during SAP system export processes. The issue arises from duplicate object names or not-null constraint violations in the DDLOADD table, used for collecting exportable object data for the SAPR3 database user. To resolve, export DDLOADD structure, truncate the table and remove existing constraints or indexes. Re-populate the table, adjust duplicate object names, and rebuild the index or primary key constraints. Conclude by re-attempting the export using R3INST or R3SETUP.

Key words :
prerequisites program r3ldctl/r3szchk fills, svrmgr> update ddloadd set objectname = '<, additional key words r3inst, svrmgr> connect sapr3/sap, svrmgr> drop index sapr3, svrmgr> alter table sapr3, svrmgr> truncate table ddloadd, ddloadd drop primary key, primary key constraint exists, symptom program r3ldctl

Related Notes :

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