SAP Note 1300880 - Digital Invoice Mexico: Import Certificates

Component : Mexico - Secure Store and Forward

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP note outlines the process for creating billing documents with digital signatures (SELLO DIGITAL) for a Mexican sales organization using electronic invoicing. SAP provides detailed steps to convert and import certificates and private keys from the Mexican SAT into the necessary formats using tools like SAPGENPSE and SAPCRYPTOLIB. Users must download the latest versions of these tools and may use the optional open-source OpenSSL toolkit for conversions. The note strongly emphasizes using the current valid files and updating the SSF profile parameter according to the installed SAP Basis component for compliance with security standards. Attachments in the note illustrate each step and provide sample files for testing, although these samples are not for production use.

Key words :
mx/sistemas-de-pago/servicios/firma-electronica/certificados-de-la-ies/certificados-ies, sat_cr_rc_case_sw_ss_rpt_or& isfolder=false&ignoreparamtempl=folderpath%2cisfolderyou, mx/psp/psatpp/customer/crm_s/, - agencias registradoras- agencias certificadorasthe root certificates, mx/sistemasdepago/ies/ies_entrada, assign compoment bc-sec-ssf, contraseña de clave privada, peminstead ofopenssl x509 -inform der -, install open source openssl toolkit, component xx-csc-mx

Related Notes :

1528021Mexico 2011 Modificaciones a la Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal
1303712Mexico: Enable Creation of Digital Signature in SD and FI
1280467FAQ Digital Invoice Mexico