SAP Note 12746 - WARN <file> is already in use (), I'm waiting 5 sec

Component : Change and Transport System -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The transport program (tp) may issue repeated warnings in the $transdir/log file indicating a resource contention, where files starting with $transdir/tmp are already in use. These files are semaphore files used to prevent simultaneous access by different tp instances. Regular iteration suggests the system is functioning correctly. However, if necessary, check whether the tp instance holding the semaphore is still active and safely delete the semaphore file if it's not, ensuring never to do so consecutively. During an upgrade, semaphore file conflicts might require specific actions like merging logs from the put/tmp directory into the log directory.

Key words :
<sid> >> /usr/sap/put/log/, cat /usr/sap/put/tmp/, situation requires administrator action, additional key words import, uniquely defined semaphore file, specific semaphore file remains, warning message appears repeatedly, $transdir/log/slog file, subdirectory put/tmp, symptom key word

Related Notes :

690449Transport buffer lock file (.LOB) remains blocked on Windows
556941Transport FAQ: Error scenarios