SAP Note 1269480 - Collective Note about Performance of the IPC Configurator

Component : Product Configuration -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
java application response time measurement, choosing good heap settings, kb runtime version definition, writing logs costs performance, variant table size limited, mentioned kernel patch level, knowledge base runtime versions, java virtual machine, kb runtime versions, crm mobile sales

Related Notes :

1248104Information about size and content of KB runtime versions
1241435KB search for subitems is superfluous
1239594VMC logging standard is reduced to ERROR
1227157buffered access to variant tables
1224955VMC performance improvement in MSA scenario
1223137Dependencies being executed twice
1170313Zero administration memory management in VMC
1139442Prevent unnecessary update in CrmUpdateConfiguration
1124499Caching of variant tables, direct database calls
1083358VMC: Empfehlungen für Parameter-Einstellungen
1081650Modeling tips for the use of the IPC
1020539Memory management in the VM container
1005457 Parameter setting for Java Virtual Machine in VM Container
997111JARM instrumentation of the configuration
992115Bad performance of KB load function
981556Performance improvement: get knowledgebase as mapping
980914Performance Optimization Of Interactive Configuration
966929Performance: Lazy load of instances
966013Variant table size limited to 100.000 rows
930440Potential pitfalls in KB runtime version definition
923761Procedural relationships are analyzed too often
888255Archiving knowledge base runtime versions does not work