SAP Note 1245360 - HUGENERAL060 when adding and packing in VL60/BORGR

Component : Inbound Process - Goods Receipt ProcessMM-IM-GR Goods Receipt

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an issue in transaction VL60/BORGR where adding new items to an inbound delivery and packing existing items without saving triggers an error message HUGENERAL 060 "HU &1 to pack/unpack could not be found". The error is due to a program defect. Resolution involves applying the provided correction instructions and subsequently implementing Note 1553717 for further stabilization.

Key words :
system issues error message hugeneral 060, transaction vl60/borgr, batch split reason, attached correction instructions, terms hugeneral 060, program error, inbound delivery, existing items, pack/unpack, handling unit

Related Notes :

1553717Handling unit not transferred from EWM to inbound delivery
1390128HUFUNCTIONS 034 when creating inb. del from outb. del (w/HU)
1252837VL64 processes just one purchase order item
1238228Creating inb. delys w/ batch split and HUs from outb. delys