SAP Note 124422 - Number of canceltn. items difs. fr. billing doc.

Component : Basic Functions -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In an SAP collective billing document involving both delivery and order related billing, issues arise when the first billed item meets specific criteria, such as having an item category with billing relevance 'I' or originating from a document type other than sales orders or returns among others (VBTYP≠ C, E, F, H, I, W). In such scenarios, subsequent delivery-related billed items are not cancelled, deviating from the original billing document. This error, identified as due to a programming issue, has been corrected in SAP Release 4.5B.

Key words :
order related billed preceding item, external service agent processing, additional key words cancellation, delivery related billed item, order related billing document, respective preceding document, collective billing document, billing relevance 'i' 2, independent requirements plan, delivery related

Related Notes :

198946Billing split due to VBRK-FKTYP
111665No. of cancellation items differs fr. billing doc.
68957Invoice split due to billing category