SAP Note 1243486 - Dump COMPUTE_INT_PLUS_OVERFLOW during background cleanup

Component : BRFplus  -  ABAP based Rule Framework -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses a ST22 dump caused by `COMPUTE_INT_PLUS_OVERFLOW` resulting from arithmetic overflow (`CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW`). The issue arises during parallel background tasks specifically in BRFplus cleanup processes and does not impact system usability or upgradeability. The error, categorized under coding issues, occurs during functions like SAPLFDT_CLEANUP and REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL executed via classes like `CL_FDT_JOB` and `CL_FDE_DELETE_HANDLING`. Resolution includes ignoring the dump and awaiting the automatic application of corrective support packages, specifically Note 1225765 for SAP_BASIS 7.01 and Note 1236066 for 7.11, which involve extensive manual installation processes.

Key words :
6 method       cl_fdt_job====================cp  cl_fdt_job=>stop_sub_job5 method       cl_fdt_delete_handling========cp  cl_fdt_delete_handling=>delete_physical_via_job4 function     saplfdt_clean_up  fdt_cleanup_start3 form         saplfdt_clean_up  fdt_cleanup_start2 form         sapmssy1  remote_function_call reason, runtime error         compute_int_plus_overflow exception             cx_sy_arithmetic_overflow, uncritical periodical cleanup work, prerequisites coding error, terms call stack, parallel background mode, cleanup work due, cleanup work, manual work, notes  requires

Related Notes :

1557404Central Note - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP02 [lmt_007]
1236065BRF Plus: First Collective Note for 7.10,EHP1,SP1
1225765BRF Plus: Various Improvements, EHP1, SP level 01 (5)