SAP Note 1229202 - Subsequent implementation of an additional ledger

Component : General Ledger Accounting - general ledger migration

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
ʫcomponent ʫtype               ʫktansw ʫktansw               ʫktanza ʫktanza               ʫkterlw ʫkterlw               ʫktmehr ʫktmehr               ʫktmahk ʫktmahk               ʫktmind ʫktmind               ʫktrest ʫktrest               ʫktapfg ʫktadec               ʫktaufw ʫktaufw               ʫktaufg ʫktaufg               ʫktansg ʫktansg               ʫktanzg ʫktanzg               ʫktvbab ʫktvbab               ʫktvzu ʫktvbzu               ʫktvizu ʫktvizu               ʫktrizu ʫktvriz               ʫktariz ʫktariz               ʫktverk ʫktverk               ʫktcoab ʫktcoab               ʫktenak ʫktenak               ʫktnaib ʫktnaib 14, ʫcomponent ʫtype               ʫktnafb ʫktnafb               ʫktnafg ʫktnafg               ʫktnafu ʫktnafu               ʫktsafb ʫktsafb               ʫktsafg ʫktsafg               ʫktsafu ʫktsafu               ʫktaafb ʫktaafb               ʫktaafg ʫktaafg               ʫktaafu ʫktaafu               ʫktzinb ʫktzinb               ʫktzing ʫktzing               ʫktzinu ʫktzinu               ʫktmafb ʫktmafb               ʫktmafg ʫktmafg               ʫktaunb ʫktaunb               ʫktaung ʫktaung               ʫktnzus ʫktnzus               ʫktszus ʫktszus               ʫktazus ʫktazus               ʫktmzus ʫktmzus 13, ʫfield ʫkey ʫ initial values ʫdata element               ʫmandt ʫx ʫx ʫ mandt               ʫbukrs ʫx ʫx ʫ bukrs               ʫgjahr ʫx ʫx ʫ gjahr               ʫbelnr ʫx ʫx ʫ belnr_d               ʫxinverse ʫ' ' ʫ ' ' ʫxinverse               enhancement category, ̎parameter ̎typing ̎associated type ̎ optional            ̎id_rldnr ̎type ̎fagl_rldnr ̎x            ̎id_ldgrp ̎type ̎bkpf-ldgrp ̎x            ̎id_bukrs ̎type ̎bukrs ̎' '            ̎id_gjahr ̎type ̎gjahr ̎x export parameter, ̎optional            ̎i_mgpln ̎type ̎fagl_mgpln ̎' ' ̎ ' '            ̎i_clear_start ̎type ̎fagl_mg_start ̎ ' ' ̎x            ̎i_clear_old_year_closed ̎type ̎flag ̎ ' '̎x            ̎i_clear_end ̎type ̎fagl_mg_end ̎ ' ' ̎x            ̎i_commit ̎type ̎xfeld ̎abap_off ̎x exceptions, ʫcomponent ʫtype               ʫmgpln ʫfagl_mgpln               ʫktopl ʫktopl               ʫktogr ʫktogr               ʫldgrp_old ʫldgrp_old               ʫldgrp_new ʫldgrp_new               ʫsaknr_old ʫold_saknr               ʫsaknr_new ʫnew_saknr               ʫsak_sym ʫsak_sym               ʫsak_text ʫsak_text 15, include ʫx ʫx ʫ str_t095b_key               ʫmgpln ʫx ʫx ʫ fagl_mgpln               ʫldgrp ʫx ʫx ʫ fagl_ldgrp               ʫ, ̎parameter ̎typing ̎associated type ̎ optional            ̎id_rldnr ̎type ̎fagl_rldnr ̎ ' '            ̎id_bukrs ̎type ̎bukrs ̎' ' export parameter, ʫcomponent ʫtype               ʫbukrs ʫbukrs               ʫbelnr ʫbelnr_d               ʫgjahr ʫgjahr               ʫrev_text ʫ fagl_description 16, ʫfield ʫkey ʫ initial values ʫdata element               ʫmandt ʫx ʫ

Related Notes :

1652126Non-leading ledger: Text in "Consistency check" dialog box
1619168Overview of different migration scenarios
1590988Opening previous years after migration for non-leading ldgr
1507535GLMIG: Incorr fiscal yr in case of balance carryforward/GCAC
1504357NewGL: Implementing new ledger w/ non-cal. fiscal year var.
1503135Reversal in subsequently implemented ledger not updated
1477835OB52: Checking the parallel new general ledger
1398296Scenario 7/8: FAGL_MIG 017 with 'Display migration plan'
1396818Message GU 444 or GU 167 for migration scenario 7
1272843Subsequently implementing an addl ledger (EhP4)
1227504Subsequent implementation of an additional ledger