SAP Note 1227242 - FAQ: Differences between material master & article master

Component : Articles - Material Master

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses limitations and required authorizations in handling the article master in IS Retail, differentiating from the material master. Issues arise due to complex reference and maintenance status management, affecting standard functions like field selection and authorization verifications in transactions MM41 and MM42. Solutions include using BAdI for field selection adjustments and ensuring comprehensive authorizations in BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT for handling data across various sites. Additionally, site-specific field selections and ALE data distribution must consider these differences, as standard settings do not apply directly from the material master. Workarounds and adjustments are suggested to cater to these IS Retail-specific configurations.

Key words :
ale field selection references mal1, user-defined source code, site-specifically locked field, correct standard system behavior, site-specific field selection, maintenance status authorization m_mate_sta, maintain field selection, retail-specific administration, set field properties, field clientdata-changed_by

Related Notes :

1520235MG038:AKTVSTATUS must be specified for the origin ty.defined
1147949Missing authorization check for sales data
969975BAPI: unnecessary authorization check for distribution chain
943700BAPI: Unnecessary authorization check for distribution chain
863907Composite SAP Note: Maintaining material groups
746875BADI_MAT_F_SPEC_SEL: Method for the field selection control
534168Customer-specific screen control in access MM41/ MM43