SAP Note 118184 - SAPshortcut - debugger start

Component : Graphical User Interface -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses the issue where the debugger cannot be activated in SAPGui modal dialog situations. The problem stems from the inaccessibility of the SAPGui command line in modal windows. To resolve this, a system-independent debugger shortcut can be created using SAPshortcut. Two alternative methods are provided: 1) Creating and configuring a '' file via the GUI context menu, setting the command to '/H' to initialize the debugger. 2) Manually creating and configuring a .sap file with specific debugger commands in an ASCII editor. Both methods involve dragging the newly created shortcut onto the SAPGui dialog to enable the debugger.

Key words :
------------ 8< cut >8 -----------------[function]command=/htitle=debuggertype=systemcommand-------------8< cut >8 -----------------save, symptom sap kernel -> release-independent, system-independent debugger shortcut, sapgui command line, additional key words, newly created file, sapgui dialog box, 'system command', ->sap shortcut, release 45a

Related Notes :

99054SAPshortcut - Collective note