SAP Note 1170946 - bapi_po_change: network activity code not taken over

Component : BAPIs - Purchase order -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When attempting to modify the network activity code in the accounting data for an existing purchase order via BAPI_PO_CHANGE, the update is not applied, and the system fails to provide an error message. This issue arises due to obsolete modifications from note 589066 effective in SAP release 600 and later, attributed to changes in the MEPO function group impacting network data storage. The resolution requires applying provided correction instructions to the SAP system.

Key words :
terms nplnr aplzl aufpl vornr account assignment reason, change network activity code, network activity code, release 600 onwards due, function group mepo, existing purchase order, purchase oder, accounting data, error message, longer valid

Related Notes :

589066BAPI_PO_CHANGE: Incorrect account assignment to network