SAP Note 1155807 - Database deadlock when executing DD_INT_UPDATE_DDFTX

Component : ABAP Dictionary -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When executing the function module DD_INT_UPDATE_DDFTX in parallel ABAP programs, it may lead to a DB deadlock. Such deadlock, typically indicated by ABAP runtime error DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR, can be triggered during maintenance tasks such as importing ERP Enhancement Packages. This issue arises from concurrent updates to the description table DDFTX. The function module DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET, which reads field text from DDFTX, can incite deadlock when multiple instances update DDFTX simultaneously. Resolution involves repetition of the terminated action or applying manual corrections detailed in this note to prevent future occurrences.

Key words :
parallel database transactions write overlapping data, database deadlock inevitably occurs, abap runtime error dbif_rsql_sql_error, import erp enhancement package 5, database transactions involved, database system triggers, sql error text, import support packages, function module dd_int_update_ddftx, function module ddif_fieldinfo_get

Related Notes :

1614802Mass activation hangs during INSERT in the table DDFTX