SAP Note 111881 - 06334:Enter info record in the case of fixed vendor

Component : Maintenance Orders -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When configuring a vendor for an external processing operation in SAP, using transactions CN21, CN22, IW31, or IW32, users should note error 06334, which requires an additional info record. However, if a vendor is changed or deleted in the operation detail, the 'Fixed vendor' field (EBAN-FLIEF) does not update as expected. To address this, users can modify error message 06334 to a warning in T160M and apply specific corrections to maintain synchronization between the operation detail vendor field and the 'Fixed vendor' field. Preconditions include the implementation of Note 62711.

Key words :
system generates error message 06334 stating, additional key words cn21, message control table t160m, change field 'fixed vendor', operation detail field 'vendor', change error message 06334, external processing operation, pm/sm order, resulting purchase requisition, operation detail

Related Notes :

355870Fixed vendor is not initialized
77248 Fixed vendor/ record reset during change