SAP Note 111865 - No Connect to LiveCache

Component : liveCache -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses a connection issue where the R/3 System is unable to connect to the LiveCache. The problem may arise due to inadequate configuration in table DBCON where logical database connections are established. The solution involves populating DBCON with specific entries for the LiveCache, including the logical connection name (e.g., LCA), database type (ADA), database user (SAPR3), password (SAP), and detailed connection information combining the computer name and the LiveCache name. Ensuring these parameters are correctly configured will resolve the connectivity issue.

Key words :
additional key words livecache, logical database connections, <computername>-<livecache-, prerequisites possibly, table dbcon, description exists, logical connection, adadb user, sapr3db password, sapconnection information

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