SAP Note 111813 - Billing doc: Collective run differs from individual creation

Component : Processing Billing Documents -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an issue where documents are split upon billing in collective run (VF04), but not split during simulation with the same due list or via VF01. The root of this problem lies in standard system behavior where different sorting and processing parameters are applied during collective runs and simulations. It details how documents are presorted based on various criteria such as sales organization and sold-to party, affecting document numbering and billing types. Sorting parameters from the source code in MV60SSAM and the function module SD_COLLECTIVE_RUN_EXECUTE are discussed. Solutions provided include configuring the S_MAX and MAX_DOCUMENTS parameters for handling document processing volumes, with additional referencing of specific notes for context on usage and parameter modification.

Key words :
- sort criterion- billing date- billing type- sd document numberyou find, kunnr                    vkorg                    v_fkart                    v_fkdat                    sortkri                    fkdat                    fkart                    vbeln, kunnr vkorg v_fkart v_fkdat sortkri                            fkdat fkart vbeln, sortkri kunnr vkorg v_fkdat fkdat fkart vbeln, sort criterion sortkri, prevent update terminations connected, additional key words vf01, bill billing documents contained, - default billing date, - default billing type

Related Notes :

825176Termination DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL in collective billing run
517963Missing parameters for adjustment MAX_DOCUMENTS
315877Error message VF 342 during collective billing
314261Rebate cond.:Indiv.and collective billing differ
130585Collective billing run: Adjustment S_MAX
130417Pricing preparation in billing document (user exit)
117189KOMK-AUDAT, KOMK-AUART_SD in billing document
75797VF04: Gaps in doc. nos. after update termination
74574VF04 creates more billing documents than VF01
61866VF04 : Invoice split due to billing type
43067Sold-to parties intercompany billing
25147VF04 : Selection by payer
25026VF04: Selection by payer