SAP Note 10770 - Automatic payment program

Component : Accounts Payable -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The payment program (SAPF110S) is failing to process items, resulting in errors like FZ506 (No valid payment method found) and FZ507 (Error while creating payment document). These issues are often indicated in the payment proposal list. To diagnose, review the additional log, which offers insights into the problem based on various parameter combinations. The steps to resolve include deleting the proposal, adjusting parameters, and enabling additional logs for due date determination, payment method selection, and payment document item. Finally, reschedule the proposal and review the logs to identify and correct the issues.

Key words :
- due date determination- payment method selection- payment document itemfor, valid payment method foundfz507 error, creating payment document, payment proposal list, symptom key word, solution delete proposal, read job log -, additional key words, activate additional log, payment program

Related Notes :

86578Guidelines for F110 Payment Program (W/Check mgmt)