SAP Note 1065954 - Dynamic credit check for order-related billing

Component : Credit Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When sales documents utilize order-related billing while a dynamic credit limit check is also activated, the total credit value of these documents is fully included in the credit assessment, regardless of the credit horizon timeframe. The system updates open delivery values (S067-OLIKW), not just open sales order values (S066-OEIKW), based on entire values rather than intervals. As a result, dynamic credit checks consider the full credit value of these documents, not merely within the credit horizon. This approach affects documents processed through third-party order processing and those under contracts with billing plans, fully impacting the used credit limit.

Key words :
order-related billing document - billing plan, prerequisites default solution sales documents, delivery write open delivery values, order-related bill - status, dynamic credit limit check, open sales order values, open delivery values, billing plan dates, dynamic credit check, order-related billing

Related Notes :

425483Consulting note collection: Credit checks
379007Dynamic credit check
377165Update open credit values for credit management
361637Update of open delivery values in the order