SAP Note 1065053 - EH&S WWI: Error when you check the report template

Component : WWI - BerichtsdefinitionEHS-BD-TLS-EXP EH&S ExpertEHS-BD-TLS-OCC E

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
system issues error message cm_report_template 425, terms ehswwisp16edit report template, import report template reason, edit report template, import report templateds, orms word issues, windows wordprocessor integration, 'internal error occurred, orms word freezes, 2 support package 15 solution

Related Notes :

1066086EH&S WWI: Corrections in WWI Support Package 16
1043300SAP Best Practices for Mining V1.600
568302Current version of EH&S WWI and EH&S Expert