SAP Note 1062665 - GB: Reverse Charge Sales List (RCSL)

Component : Great Britain - VAT reporting (country specific)

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses the need for VAT-registered businesses that transact in mobile phones and computer chips in the UK to submit a Reverse Charge Sales List (RCSL) alongside their VAT return due to a legal mandate. The solution utilises report RFUMSV00 and DMEE tree GB_RCSL for generating the RCSL file. Adjustments include: adding GB to BADI implementation RFIDTW_TAX_BADI_013, creating new function group and modules within DMEE, applying a correction instruction and configuring the DMEE tree with uploaded XML file from GB_RCSL.ZIP. Ensure BADI activation and DMEE changes are saved and activated. Instructions for running report RFUMSV00 are detailed in the attached Reverse_Charge_Sales_List.pdf.

Key words :
i_extension  type  dmee_exit_interface    export parameter       o_value       c_value       n_value       p_value    tables       i_tab 4, _nfpb=true& _pagelabel=pagevat_showcontent&id=hmce_prod1_026246&propertytype=documentrefer, package / development class id-fi 3, records -> output records -> total month 01, classic badi implementation rfidtw_tax_badi_013 deactivate, import parameters                      optional      pass, select menu format tree, symptom vat-registered businesses, dmee tree activities refer, reverse charge sales list

Related Notes :

1053963GB: Reverse Charge for Mobile Phones & Computer Chips Trades