SAP Note 1050416 - AM integration with other components via RFCs

Component : Account Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
bankkey   = bankkeybankland  = banklandacnum_ext = acnum_extcn_cur    = ''cn_usage  = ''iban      = ibanvalid_on  = valid_fromcurrency  = cn_currencypartner   = partnerproduct   = prodext, loan contract fixed interest period change information class, bank account contract product change information class, bank account contract currency change information class, bank account contract holder change information class, bank account contract limit change information class, bank account contract reactivated change information class, bank account contract cancel change information class, bank account contract created information class, loan contract product change information class

Related Notes :

1050894CMS RFCs for Integration with Loans and Current Accounts
1049737RFCs for account change messages are missing
1049351SAP Banking Services 5.0 SP02
1024091Release limitations concerning SAP Banking Services 5.0