SAP Note 1050172 - Tax group (TXGRP) set in customer/vendor line items

Component : Umsatzsteuer -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When transferring documents to FI via mechanisms such as BAPIs or IDOCs, the tax group field (BSEG-TXGRP) is populated in vendor or customer line items, even when these items have a tax code. This occurs due to the processing of the function module FI_TAX_CALCULATE_WITHOUT_BYPASS. The intended behavior stipulates that only downpayment transactions should have a tax group assigned. To rectify this, application of the provided correction instruction is recommended to ensure correct tax group handling.

Key words :
tax group field, function module fi_tax_calculat_without_bypass, customer line items, line items, bseg-txgrp, terms txgrp, prerequisites prerequisite, solution vendor, correction instruction, downpayments

Related Notes :

1241247BAPI does not update External Tax System
1138229BAPI, IDOC: TXGRP incorrect in BSEG tax items
626235Tax postings with accounting BAPIs