SAP Note 104668 - Collective note: Subsequent settlement (Purch.) Release 4.0

Component : Subsequent Settlement -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
rel docmnts befre archving                                                                                179864 purchis - commitments - problems, subsequent business volume update     goods receipt pricing                                                                                                                    305388 subs, updating vendor business volumes                    frequent symptoms, updating business volume data incorrect         releases 4, delivery generation - volume-based rebate   releases 4, 437429 message sg105 list settlement documents, cancelling settlement doc                                                                      315769 subsequent settlement, problem solution/consulting 167284 subsequent settlement, analyze frequently occuring problems, business volume data         deletes

Related Notes :

503040Settlement by credit memo: message MN227
485130 Arrangement status for interim settlement set incorrectly
480984 Currency conversion, message MN 471
458695 Man. correction f. customer BillDoc income w/ partial settl.
452365Rebate arrangement currency not copied to condition records
445331 Currencies can be deleted in the mass maintenance
441313 Doc index generation: Variable key wrong for specific values
439493Expiring currencies: Incorrect document currency
438324Addition to Note 400432
437429Message SG105 List settlement documents, setting up incomes
437199 Settlment per customer billing document w/o accntng document
433752 Error when checking for release to accounting
425755Sel. rebate arrangement by arrangmt type, arrangmt calendar
425033 Problem extending arrangements if arrangement contains EURO
422649Error in validity display (agrmt maintenance)- deletion
408521 MN495 (update simulation), MN514 (detailed statement)
407972Error in check routine for EXIT_SAPLWN01_003
403734 Message MN242 upon settlement (different calculation rules)
400898Recompilation bus.vol. data, incomes: sel. by arrangemt type
400893Detailed statement, message MN514
400432Expiring currencies, rebate arrangmnt maint. (purch., sales)
399118 Msg NAA045 list output for arrangemts (RWMBON02, Trans.MEB5)
398739Incorrect conversion of EMU currencies - Part 2
396955 Provisions f income n cancelled if cancelling settlement doc
396334 Selection according to document date in RMEBEIN3
394673Cond. record status incorrectly set when creating with ref.
394619 Provisions f income n cancelled if cancelling settlement doc
392066 Maximum values cannot be entered per calculation rule
392055 Search help attachment in report RMCE0900
388716Value dates in the general billing interface
388626 Variant cannot be saved for reports
387044Problems for distribution of income on tax code, plants
386665 Recompilation of document index S111
386157 Shrt dmp CONVT_OVERFLOW or BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW durng settlmnt
386039Termination of report rwmbon08 with message MN 273
384006Tax calculation, tax trigger, foreign vendors
383053Update termination for final settlement with message MN248
382939 Error in agreement maintenance debit-side settlmt accounting
382829 Incorrect repricing in subsequent settlement
382749 Org. data of an arrangement not copied during creation
381831Consignment processing and subsequent settlement
375119Updating provisions for accrued inc. of parked credit memos
371754Not possible to display invoice from list display
371737 Copy additional value days to credit memos
367511 structure MCKONA for LIS filled incompletely
367295Missing tax code in subsequent settlement
336231Importance of messages MN634, MN635 and MN636
333914Subsequent settlement: performance collective note
328145Subs. updating of bus. vol. for deleted purchase order items
328142Incorrect conversion of EMU currencies - part 1
327921Incorrect condition granter accepted in arrangmnt maintnance
325341 Incorrect exception processing of user exit LWBON003
324705 Msgs MN781 or MN164 with settlement of rebate arrangement
324279Rebate: Displ of change docs f conditions is too slow
319666 Deadlock with subsequent business volume recompilation
316290Performance of document index recompilation
315769Subseqnt updatng of bus.volume, price determtn goods receipt
306173 Incorrect specification of period-specific condition
305806Provisions for income in price determination
305388 Subsequent business volume update in wrong period
303047RMCENEUA - Error in selection by info structures
302145RMCENEUA: PIS, business volume data updated repeatedly
215716Message MN186 (settlement of fixed amounts)
215124Del.ind. of settled vol.rebate cond. can be changed
202036 Termination TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED when you settle
201492Performance improvement list output recompilation
200859 Terms of Payment not transferred
200703Subsequent settlement: Error in Standard Customizing
200188Message NAA234: Rebate arrangement maintenance
198340Incor bus.vol assgmt if not in arrgmt perd
197007 Rebate: Incor decimals in amount of condit.rec (II)
191134Subseq. settlmt accoun.:Short dump DATE_AFTER_RANGE
190902Income always 0 (incorrect rounding)
186133MN019 in initial arrangement creation
184340 Euro Workbench: Incorrect input check of arrangements
180434Validation of relevant documents before archiving
179864PURCHIS - commitments - problems during IR or GR
176433Income recompilation, income deleted completely amnt.of cond.recs
175341Multiple updating income when changing customer billing doc
175160PURCHIS-GR for several PO items with PO generation
175138PURCHIS-GR w/ generation of dely-volme-based rebate
171902Update of update BV data for return item incorrect
169540MN371 when settling arrangement
169372Document items in subs. updating not edited
168242Analysis reports, repair reports, Release 4.0B
167284FAQs: Subsequent settlement (consulting, tips, Customizing)
163400 Recompilation needs too much main memory
162897 Incorrect detailed statement
161595Incorrect data transfer for activated user exit
160440Incorrect update of provisions for accrued income recompiltn
159580PURCHIS - Commitments - IR no update in simulation
154601 Subsequnt settlmnt:external data transfr cancellatn
153954Incorrect subsequent update with value 0
153694Credit-side or debit-side settlement type
153577 Too many recompilation updates/subsequent updates
153054Recompltn of busnss volume data deletes all busnss vlme data
151611Incorrect updating of business volume for price determntn GR
151607Incorrect proposal dcmnt number for cancelltn of credit memo
151398PURCHIS -double update for deliv.cst fr several POs
150738Error messages MN607 or MN597
147939 Performance update
146739Condition rate/percentage rate in document condtns incorrect
146092No reason for occurrence of message MN310 in settlement run
143301No update with fixed amount calculation rule
141623 Subseqnt updatng of business volume processes discnt in kind
139148 Performance problems when deleting PO items
136863 New DB secondary index AEB f.table EKBO
134210 Perf. recompile bus. vol. data/suppl. updating of bus. vol.
133493Subsequent settlement: Notes application area MM-PUR-VM-SET
132071No update for collectve purchase order
128507Message MM108: Subsequent updating of business volume
128279Automatic deletion business volume data during recompilation
128070Subsequent settlement: error message MN514
126764PURCHIS - GR with PO generation and normal item
126220Message SG105 when saving business volume comprsn and agrmnt
123487No change update of purchase order
123297Subsequent settlement: message MN369
122727Message MN177 with interim settlement
120610Data loss recompilation vendor volume data with short dump
118460No update for date in future or past
118087Subsequent settlement: message M8001
118077Messages MN514, MN515, MN565 and MN566
117265Subsequent settlement: Message MN589
114570Status arrangement if condition records/arrangements deleted
114111Recompilation of incomes from settlement documents RWMBON07
113655Deviating tax calculation in credt memos
113315VK894: Screen generation error for rebate
113240Alternative UM for qty-dependent materl volume rebate: VK070
113031Subsequent settlement: Taxes
112731Item text with debit-side settlement accounting
112413Subsequent settlement: units of measure
112407Error MM108 for settlement statement statistic
111366Error messages MN164 and MN310
108139GR reversed incorrectly wth negative delivery costs
107552Update from goods receipt
105895Crrncy trnsltin busnss vlme comprson+agremnt incor.
105687ME41: Volume rebate indicator from vendor master
105333GR to returns item, neg. delivery costs, M7050
104888Reading article master w. value-based inventry mgmt
104867Updating business volume data incorrect
104683Subsequent settlement: changes in Release 4.0
104662Detailed statement, messages MN546 or MN604
102392Subsqunt settlemnt:program termintn, missng exceptn
101199Program termination RV13Ennn missing
100695No update during reversal
98843Subseq.settlement:00015(value of field is negative)
98648Abnormal termination for detailed statement
73214Subseq.settl.:Retrospec.compltn/recompltn of
72199Problem analysis update business volume data