SAP Note 101654 - PrCtr sales order item cannot be set manually

Component : Profit Center Accounting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In SAP when creating sales order items with substitution rules to set profit centers, users might encounter errors leading to invalid or absent profit centers. This issue also prevents manual entry of the correct profit centers which get erased automatically. The suggested resolution involves implementing program corrections indicated in the attached details. Relevant transactions affected include VA01 and VA02 with references to VBAP-PRCTR field in the sales order process where such substitutions are intended. For manual overwrites of substituted profit centers, refer to SAP Note 85471.

Key words :
additional key words va01, maintained substitution rules/exits, profit center entered manually, sales order item, invalid profit center, profit center manually, profit center set, profit center, overwrite manually, substituted/set

Related Notes :

1532865FAQ: Profit center in the billing document
112974Subst. Prof.ctr subst.,create KDAUFf.cross-CC sales
103989Manual change to the profit center not possible
85471Profit center cannot be changed in sales order