SAP Note 101101 - IS-H:Upd.collective note, important errors in 4.01A

Component : Industry-Specific Component Hospital -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note serves as a collective document referencing several other notes concerning known issues in IS-H Release 4.01A. It's updated continuously and directs users to the "Related Notes" section for targeted corrections and additional information. Key corrections are compiled in IS-H 4.01B up to note 113647, with subsequent patches providing incremental fixes up to notes 117515 and 129244. Users of IS-H 4.01 are advised that no further patches will be issued beyond Patch 02 for this release. Continuous review is recommended due to ongoing updates.

Key words :
note explicitly refers, additional key words, collective note, additional patches, related notes, updated continuously, sap recommends, check periodically, mentioned release, maintenance level

Related Notes :

204597IS-H: Conversion exit 'Number of children'
202564ISH:Upload of postal code streets falsely assigned
192201IS-H: Update termination ISH_VERBUCHER_NLEI
189824IS-H: Cancelling services - error message N3874
189729IS-H: Treatment category's services missing
187482IS-H: RNANFAL1 sets too many cases to final billed
186413IS-H: NL10/NK01 - No completion after discharge
184778L1/L3 Day patient cases with exceeded quarter
184397IS-H: Check evaluation period movement lists
183575IS-H: Batch input NL10 - Case interim billed
182372IS-H: NP37/NP38 All procedures of case changed
181317IS-H: Services cancelled or deleted after actions
176082No addr. data for similar patient search <Rel.4.00A
173016IS-H: Services relevant to CO cannot be transferred
171202L3 short-stay patient no. too large for specialty
171093IS-H: NP37/NP38 - All services for case shown
167650IS-H: Incorrect price for alt. service catalog col.
167340IS-H: Planned absence ignored in care unit list
166855IS-H: Field RNLE1-STALS in service entry open
166280IS-H: NG04, NG08 - removing sex indicators
165714IS-H: Physicians assigned to service missing
164518IS-H: CO info. in service detail screen incorrect
163574IS-H: F4 on service in fast entry incorrect
163280IS-H: Creating person with external number -> N0816
162912IS-H:N3187 when increase ins.relationship interval
162873IS-H: Incorrect CO a/c assignment through RNHCO000
162543IS-H: NL10 - cancel + change in one step
162259IS-H: Movement date proposal for newborns
160612IS-H: CONVT_NO_NUMBER in HCO characteristic M12
159953IS-H: Service status "planned" - movement "actual"
159334IS-H: RNHCO000: Blocks released too early
159281IS-H:No.of cases w/ bill. days in RNLSTA07 too high
158947IS-H: Service activities - RNLSR-STALS ignored
158938IS-H:RNLSTA09: billed qty w/ price-related coverage
158864IS-H: FI transaction display f.internal no.assigmnt
157376IS-H: 'More case data' disappears / not saved
156659IS-H: Incorrect output of departmental OU in NP63
156593IS-H: Error message N3604 when changing a case
156589IS-H: Incorrect time scaling in visit scheduling
156220IS-H: Generation of double nursing charges
156065IS-H: Creating new validity intervals causes errors
155401IS-H: FRperCase statistics - Days counted twice
155257IS-H: No service adjustment in adm./transfer trans.
154782IS-H: NL10 - Fast entry - No actions carried out
154612IS-H: PF4 on location in medical record management
154428IS-H: Scaling error in visit scheduling
153215IS-H: Incorrect authorization check in RNLRECH2
152825IS-H: Apparent assignmt. Poss. despite IV assignmt
151243IS-H: Service without organizational units
150887IS-H: SQL error RNLVVF01 - Range area too large
150723IS-H: Service end date empty after complete cancel.
150684IS-H: Service fast entry - Missing check
149876IS-H: Cancelled cases with active services
149151IS-H: Missing service adjustment to organiztnl unit
148564IS-H: SG NL10 - Search for IV requests carried out
148382IS-H: Incorrect value calculation in RNLSTA09
148330L1/L3 multiple print: Increase in day patient cases
147872IS-H: Services missing in admission / N3606
147776IS-H: NL10 - Multiple business partner assignments
147439IS-H: matchcode search delivers too many entries
147366IS-H: NL10 Fast entry - incorrect assign. movement
147007IS-H: Outpatient case - Message N1063 and N0066
145460IS-H: NL10 - F12 - 'Cancel' does not work
145252IS-H: Incorrect case log in RNSV202, RNSV302
144666IS-H: Actions processed too often / scrolling
144530IS-H: RNASEL01 - Incorrect check digit case/patient
144265IS-H: NL10 - Branch to service master
144190IS-H: NL10 - Blocked bus. partners can be entered
144173IS-H: Billed and new IV requests grouped together
144067IS-H: Too high non-billed quantities in RNLSTA09
142048IS-H:No service split f. ptnts a. fiscal yr change
141986IS-H: Bed can be assigned to patient despite block
141780IS-H: Departmental per diem - missing/too many
141217IS-H: Reduct. of day pat. nurs.charge in
141076IS-H: Newborns not evaluated as sick in RNVPPR01
140967IS-H: PPR classification f. prev. day deleted NP53
140796IS-H: RNHCO000 does not process all selected cases
140753IS-H: SG: Temporarily billed cases not in RNAACP00
140666IS-H: Qty missing when trans. OU-related services
140487IS-H: Sick nwbrns valuated w. wrong nrsng care mins
140123IS-H: Raise exception Conversion_Error during call
139939IS-H: Incorrect determination of billing quantity
139519Consideration of transfers in intensive
138959IS-H: Transaction NP51 saves incorrect data
138890IS-H: Account determination does not work
138862IS-H: RNVPPR01 indicates nursing acuity as missing
138747IS-H: N8218 or N3898 for currency translation
138604IS-H: Change of case type outpatient to inpatient
138014IS-H: Missing cases in eval.program for case class.
137550IS-H: Creating medical records for day patients
137540IS-H:NP37/38 - rules/adjmt. actions not carried out
137399IS-H: NP37/NP38 Changing bus.partner on detail scrn
137013IS-H: Empty case list after restricting OU
136915IS-H: Long runtime when displaying case in RNREFRDT
135484IS-H:Int-dep.tot.amt f.inst.-wide occ.stat.n.avail.
135387IS-H:No services adjustment when changing admission
135358IS-H:Case data cannot be changed via surgery trans.
134992IS-H: RNHCO010 does not select all services
134918IS-H: NK23 - Batch input session shown
134799IS-H:Companion disapp.frm.enhncd occup.overvw(NR11)
134734IS-H:NP63:no consid.of adm.or disch.diag.f.outp.OUs
134587IS-H:Activities - several act.for a service - error
134540IS-H: New surgery transaction - services disappear tble scr.prellctd w/diag.frm prev.rec.
134516IS-H: RNILKO00 / RNILKO01 - services are missing
134172IS-H: Canceling IV request possible despite billing
134108IS-H:Simlt.maint.plan.obj.imposs.due to blck.prblms
134076IS-H:V2/V3 displ.not billed servcs as billed servcs
134060IS-H: Case list displays cases of another patient
133673IS-H: Create transfer w/o BEKAT - generated service
133585IS-H:Service txt in detail screen cannot be changed
133437IS-H:Appointment deleted aft.change in visit sched.
133108IS-H: Call up diagnoses code is not possible
132639IS-H:Incomplete cost center determinatn in RNHCO012
132548IS-H: Too many services selected in RNHCO000
132194IS-H: No entries in NSR error log
132056IS-H: Incorrect printer for RNVPPR01 in background
131943IS-H: Healthy newborn on wrong OU in PPR evaluation
131911IS-H:Navigation in step loop of ND04/ND13 incorrect
131778IS-H:EM 00255 when cancellng visit in visit schdlng
131712IS-H: Wrong display of diagnoses & department stays
131625Kurzlieger in L1 gezählt obwohl teilstationärer Fall dble hosp.main dgn.or disch.diag.
131297IS-H: Error message N6532 when calling an admission
131235IS-H: Med.records n. recognized after rel. upgrade
131047IS-H: IS-H_FIND_BILLING_TYPE called without OU
130848IS-H: No service adjustment when changing BEKAT
130782IS-H: Incorrect message during patient index search
130718IS-H: Amount for cases w. post-op. tmt FRs too high
130332IS-H: User of a document deleted
129857IS-H: Case list in public list layout
129750IS-H:Case number SPACE in case-to-person assignment
129525Input fields locked d. message in EXIT_SAPLN00D_001
129511L1/L3 performance w. using case-to-case assignment
129244IS-H: 'Private patient' not output in depart. list
129221IS-H: ND02: Short text for document truncated
129108IS-H: No creation date with documentation form '3'
129100IS-H: NL10 - Calculate multiplication factor
128927IS-H: Maintaining insurance data in enhanced IV
128608IS-H: Error N4407 when cancelling appointments
128601IS-H: Auth. profile N_CARE_ALL delivered incomplete
128526IS-H:Double nursing charges through service rule R5
128245IS-H:Zero lines suppr. in occupancy stat. incorrect
128211IS-H: Visit sched. from visit data screen incorrect
128176IS-H: Att. physician or room not copied to appntmt.
128037IS-H:Incor.readng of case-case assgmnt
128005IS-H: No transfer type w. assigning bed to patient
127864IS-H: Time slot search finds no available time slot
127759IS-H: Termination in surgery transaction with N0030
127737IS-H: §301 UNB Segment IK-Nr wird nicht gefüllt
127699IS-H: Missing cases in L5
127584IS-H: Visits disappear or double in visit overview
127583IS-H: Assignment of incorrect addresses in RNLBEW00
127557IS-H: Service rules not processed
127266IS-H: Trans. call from care unit graphic incorrect
127174IS-H: Error f. PPR eval. of cases w. int. care stay
126191IS-H: Companions disappear in room and bed listing
125655IS-H: FB02 in billing document collective print
125443IS-H: Change BEKAT/date in admission or transfer
125351IS-H: Error in revenue account determination
124770IS-H:No available time slots found for sched. types
124749IS-H: Appointment alone cannot be moved
124353IS-H: Crrncy error w. billing w. trtmt certificates
124315IS-H: RNPDIA00: No list with depart.-related output
124240IS-H: Open items have wrong decimal point format
124232IS-H: Occupancy stat. show no neg. no. of free beds
124185IS-H: Maint.scrn f. brrwing/rqst data n. modifiable
124098IS-H: Change of case type not possible (N1035)
124032IS-H:Visit status changed if app. moved/substituted
123475IS-H: Short dump outpatient case: SAPLN017 Screen 0
123144IS-H: Missing invoice printouts for report RNADIN03
123046IS-H: Services missing f. trtmnt certificate print
122549IS-H:PPR collective entry (NP53) has incorrect time
122480IS-H: Extended service adjusted to outpatient visit
122354IS-H: SG105 in enhanced insurance verification
122219IS-H: Too many healthy newborns in PPR evaluation
122195IS-H: Error in PPR evaluation during absences
121969IS-H: Nursing acuity evalu. for newborns incorrect
121950IS-H: Calling NL10 w/o services takes a long time
121885IS-H: Nursing acuity class. set incorrectly in NP51
121872IS-H: Wrong no. free beds in patient census stat.
121677IS-H: Depart. OU not displayed in pat. census stat.
121132IS-H: PPR coll.entry called from NR11 w. wrong time
121109IS-H SG: Inv.printout: (RNF11*) empty
121082IS-H: RNF36 not filled for temporary medical record
120936IS-H: Diag.creation date cnnt be after current date
120872IS-H: F4 for classification category incorrect
120560IS-H: RNASEL00 - Ins.prov. type + Par. confirmation
120233IS-H TK730 when maintaining client-indep. table TNF07
120156IS-H: Medical record name is reset to default name
120068IS-H:Empty creatn date when writng a borrowing rec.
120028IS-H: Typing error in program LN005U07
119629IS-H:Endless loop when calling visit schedulng NR14
119438IS-H:Ins.rltnship cancelld/ins.verfctn still active
119290IS-H:Patient check digit not checked in Trans. ND02
119165IS-H:Change to BEKAT in outpnt visit despite billng
119153IS-H: Change to BEKAT, although service is billed
118699IS-H:Inc.prealloctn of trnsfr nurse st.mgmnt
118552IS-H: Update termination when inserting NLOP record
118381IS-H: Coverage percentage rates doubled after ENTER
118378IS-H: Insurance no. and File no. for IV incorrect
118113IS-H: RNHCO000 - receiver cost center not found
118009IS-H: "Print date" labelled incorrectly in RNNKOS14
117515IS-H SG: Fld ISHRESID in a/c determntion not filled
117417IS-H: Dep. stay not displayed in diagnoses overview
117356IS-H: Med.rcrds work lists run endlessly in bckgrnd
116936IS-H: RNZUZR00 incorrect total on form
116512IS-H: Too many days with discount in the statistics
116486IS-H: NPATHEAD & NCASHEAD cannot be activated alone
116296IS-H:Flds not ready f.input if err.occur in diag.BI
116254Missing system variants for RNUPARAM
115973IS-H: Invoice print SG: Problems EXIT_SAPLNFR1_003
115685IS-H: RNAACP00: wrong sign for neg. amounts
115638Patient class not initialized when creating appntmt
115628IS-H: 'Bed blocked' icon missing in bed sched.list
115609Med.recs also to be borrowed not in mvmt list ND10
115600IS-H: Error message 00349 in RNAACP00
115274IS-H: Diagn.rem.list(RNPDIA00)incor.f.speclty chng
114938IS-H: Changing organiztnl units via service actions
114857IS-H:Problems with form printout for bill from NA40
114689IS-H: Search period in English = 'XXX' in NR14/16
114609IS-H: Calendar week 52 is not displayed
114542IS-H: Wrong borrowing status f. multiple borrowing
114509IS-H: Error N6502 issued in diagnosis detail screen
114502IS-H: External patient ID not initialized in NR14
114096IS-H: Cancelling services - assignments to procedures
114067IS-H: Time slot duration is overwritten
114027IS-H: Multiple entry on work lists in MRM
114021IS-H: Entry date, time, user not in ndae
113899IS-H: Note deleted after search for patient NR14/16
113875IS-H: Auto. med. record transfer & cnclld movement
113257IS-H: First print date is changed by print copy
112747IS-H: Display of pstd bck copayt.rec.s in inv.print
112620IS-H: Lve of abs. in pre-op.phase - inc. comparison
111969IS-H: NCA under 24-hour case in error log
111864IS-H: Sex specification is not output in NR14
111840IS-H: Different NAC evaluation results
111642IS-H: Double entries in quick service entry
111570IS-H:Batch input of diagnoses for reversed movement
111544IS-H: Message BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW in SAPLN005
111444IS-H: Copayment document despite blocked account
111269IS-H: Invalid error for internal transfer in NP51
110545IS-H: RSQL error 13 for report RNANFAL1
110470IS-H documentation under 4.X
110097IS-H: External patient number is deleted!
110026IS-H:Enterng schedulng type progrm nt possble
109997IS-H:Case classif.,incor.accrual w/leave of absence
109011IS-H: Selection from medical list not transferred
108743IS-H: NR12: Access to preceding movement
108611IS-H: No authorization for organizational unit
107153Changed call up of Release Notes as of Release 4.0x
101584IS-H:Reverse patient-rel. insur. relationship wrong
97771IS-H: Daily output of missing nursAcuities wrong
95630DOCUMENT_HANDLING_REMOTE in the background
92469IS-H: NL10: Authority check f. organizational units