SAP Message XW152 - Structure &1 contains the numeric field &2

Export structures are only allowed to contain character fields. Thecurrent export structure &V1& contains the numeric field &V2& of typeV3.
The following data types are considered numeric:
FLTP,,Floating point
INT1, INT2, INT4,,Integer
All other data types are technically character types.

Please change the data element for field &V2& to a new data element ofcharacter type. You can create a new data element by copying theoriginal data element, and exchanging the domain with a character-typedomain of sufficient length. The fieldname should be the same as thecorresponding numeric source field.
Please note that the customer exit to fill the export structure mustconvert the original numeric field to character format. For moreinformation please see the SAP library documentation for the DARTcustomer exits. Also see: Customer extension FTXW0002