SAP Message XW074 - Filename &1 does not conform to ISO 9660 standard

The filename &V1& does not conform to the ISO 9660standard.
This standard restricts filenames as follows:
Filenames must not exceed eight characters, and extensions threecharacters ("8.3 format").
Filenames and extensions must be in all capitals.
Numbers in filenames should be separated from the alpha characters byan underscore. Example: JA_97.TXT.
Only these characters are allowed: A - Z, 0 - 9, _ (underscore)
The data extraction tool automatically appends 3 characters to thefilename for extension files. For this reason, you can only enter up to5 characters for the file name, plus optionally up to 3 characters forthe file extension.

Please enter a valid filename. If you don't require that filenamesfollow ISO 9660 standard, please turn off the corresponding option inthe data file configuration.