SAP Message XMS_ADM360 - Conflict situation: Unable to execute job

A conflict situation occurred for background jobs that access thepersistence layer of the Integration Engine.
There are multiple background jobs that access the persistence layer ofthe Integration Engine. They include the following:

  • Job to delete XML messages (SAP_BC_XMB_DELETE*)

  • Job to archive XML messages (ARV_BC_XMB_WRI*)

  • Job to delete archived XML messages from the persistence layer
    • Job to copy XML messages that cannot be deleted from the active to the
    • inactive database tables of the persistence layer, followed byactivation of the inactive tables (SAP_BC_XMB_COPY)
      A conflict always occurs if the copy job is started at the same time asone of the other jobs, or if it is already active when an attempt ismade to start one of the other jobs.
      Once the job that caused the conflict is finished, the jobs thatrecognized the conflict situation have to then be rescheduled.
      Jobs for deleting and archiving XML messages are usually scheduledperiodically (see transaction SXMB_ADM, Schedule Archiving Jobsor Schedule Delete Jobs) so you do not necessarily need toreschedule jobs manually. You only need to reschedule if an increasedmessage throughput makes periodic archiving or deletion indispensable.
      The copy job must be repeated manually if it was terminated as aresult of a conflict.

      Repeat the current job if no further jobs are active that access thepersistence layer of the Integration Engine.
      For an overview of current jobs, call transaction SXMB_MONI and chooseJob Overview.