SAP Message W_1003 - No ABAP PSS port has been entered for reference ship-to party &

No ABAP PSS port has been maintained for the selected reference ship-toparty.

System Response
If you are using the IDoc Copy Management tool, a PSS port must beassigned to every reference ship-to party in the partner profile usingthe standard function module WDL_COPY_LOG.
The IDoc Copy Management tool functions in a way that IDoc-creatingapplications create and output IDocs for reference stores. The port mustalso be assigned to these references. This way, the outbound IDocs arelogged for the tool and can be copied via transaction WDL_COPY_FILL tothe targets (ship-to parties) that are maintained in the system.
You have to maintain a PSS port for the selected ship-to party in thepartner profile for the corresponding message type. You need to create
a PSS port using the function module WDL_COPY_LOG in the partnerprofile. You then select this as a port for the reference in the partnerprofile.