SAP Message WV613 - Number of changeover items has been reduced to &1.

For reasons of performance, you can specify the maximum number of hitswhen accessing the conversion table in the Euro Workbench. When youfirst go into the Euro Workbench, only 200 records are selected. Youcan, however, change the maximum number of hits in the Workbench. Ifyou select "Refresh", a new selection is performed, taking the currentmaximum number of hits into account.
A maximum number of &V2& hits is currently selected. The total numberof conversion items displayed in the Euro Workbench (here, &V1&) candiffer from the maximum number of hits (here, &V2&).

  • The total number of items displayed is higher than the maximum
  • number of hits:
    If the user is, for example, entered as both an agent and a coordinatorin a record in the conversion table, this is counted twice for thedisplayed item. The reason for this is that the user has to performactivities for both roles.
    • The total number of displayed items is lower than the maximum
    • number of hits:
      Items with status "D" are only taken into account by the displayfunction in certain circumstances, but still have to be read from thedatabase.