SAP Message WV505 - Entries already exist for authorization &1 in transparent table

You are attempting to generate new authorizations with the same name asauthorization &V1& (in the old authorization object W_VKPR_VKO) for thenew authorization objects. For at least one of the new authorizationobjects, however, entries already exist for an authorization with thisname in transparent table UST12.

System Response
No new authorizations with the name &V1& are generated for the newauthorization objects.

Check the authorizations of the name &V1& for the new authorizationobjects, both in control table USR12 and in transparent table UST12.You may have to reconcile them. Check if you have to create any otherauthorizations for the new authorization objects.
Also check how the new authorizations are used in the single profilesand make any necessary changes.