SAP Message WV314 - Pricing date change: log entries exist

Log entries have been generated for the change in price determinationdate.
Just as in standard sales price calculations, log entries are createdfor pricing items for which no price calculation could be performed onthe price determination date, or for which warnings are generated.
If the price determination date is changed using the setting that theparameters Vendor and Purchasing organization and the sales-side pricesare to remain the same and that the additional entries are to be takeninto account, the pricing items that return errors when the parametersnamed are taken into account are logged with appropriate error messages(see example).

System Response
Pricing items that contain errors are not displayed in the pricingtable.
For those pricing items that return errors when the additional entriesare taken into account, the new calculations that are performed on thenew price determination date are displayed.
These pricing items are highlighted in color for easy recognition.
The log contains information on why the desired pricing parameterscould not be taken into account.

Check the log and process the affected pricing items as necessary.

There are two vendors (no regular vendor) for article 4711:
Vendor 1000, price 10 USD, delivery period 01.03.2000 - 31.12.9999
Vendor 2000, price 11 USD, unrestricted delivery period. You calculatefor article 4711 in distribution chain 0001/01 on 01.07.2000. Supplysource determination finds vendor 1000.
You change the pricing date to 01.01.2000 and select the option "RetainVendor, Purchasing Organization and Prices".
Vendor 1000 cannot be used with a delivery date of 01.01.2000 due tothe restricted delivery period. The new price calculation (highlighted)that was performed using vendor 2000 is therefore displayed. The logentry explains that vendor 1000 is not an allowed source of supply.