SAP Message WTADDI_APPL017 - Class &2 contains plant/customer &1 for additionals procedure

You can limit the usage of anadditional by stating aclass that is assigned to the material.
You can also limit the execution of the follow-up action for anadditional by limiting theprocedure for additional
to those plants and customers which are assigned to the class.
When analyzing additionals, the system searches eachapplication to determine if the entries for plantsor customers are contained in the class that was stated for theadditional.

If no class has been assigned to an additional, it is valid for thecurrent plant or customer. Depending on the application, the fields forthe check are taken from the following table:
Application ,,Name ,,Table ,,Field
Purchasing ,,Plant ,,EKPO ,,WERKS
Goods movements ,,Plant ,,MSEG ,,WERKS
Deliveries ,,Plant ,,LIPS ,,WERKS