Diagnosis The system cannot carry out the capacity check because the units ofmeasure defined for the materials do not match the unit of measure forthe capacity of the fixture. Materials are assigned to fixtures with the dimensions "length" or"volume", and the units of measure of the materials and the fixtures towhich they are assigned, are different or do not exist. The followingconditions must be fulfilled for a correct check of the fixturecapacity:
- Units of dimension (material length) and units of measure (fixtures)
must be assigned to all materials and fixtures.
- All materials that are assigned to a fixture must have the same unit of
- Materials must have the same unit of measure as the fixtures to which
they are assigned.System Response The system does not check the fixture capacity. Procedure Check that the materials and the fixtures to which they are assignedhave the same units of measure or implement the BAdI WRF_WLAY_CAPA_CHECKto convert the units of dimension to one single unit of dimension:
- Use method CHANGE_FIX_LENGTH_CHECK if the dimension of the fixture is
- Use method CHANGE_FIX_VOLUME_CHECK if the dimension of the fixture is