Diagnosis You cannot delete purchasing list item &V1& &V2&. Possible reasons are:
- The item has already been released
- The item originates from a distribution of putaway quantities
- The item originates from a Layout Workbench transfer
- If the item has been released, unrelease it and then try to delete it
- If it originates from a putaway quantity distribution, you can go to
thesource item and delete the distribution for the dependent item byselecting Delete Putaway Distribution>.
- Items that originate from the Layout Workbench can only be deleted
there. Layout module versions point to planned and assigned quantities for oneassortment of a purchasing list item. This means all layout moduleversions that point to that purchasing list item would have to beadjusted one by one, for example, by removing the OAPC flag>.Then the transfer from the Layout Workbench to Operational AssortmentPlanning and Control (triggered during save) resets the planned andassigned quantities for the corresponding assortment to zero. When thisis done for the last assortment, the transfer removes the entirepurchasing list item.