SAP Message WP133 - No material group maintained for the text item

Item '&V1&' was defined as a text item because the qualifier 'TEXT' wasused. These items are posted to material groups that you can and mustdefine yourself. In this case, however, no material group has beenspecified.

System Response
The item cannot be processed.

To assign a material group to the text item, a transaction/event typemust first be assigned to the material group. Transaction/event typeV2 is used in the current item. you can define the material group towhich the text item is to be posted in Customizing for thetransaction/event type.
Carry out the following steps:

  • Ensure that a transaction/event type is transferred in the IDoc for
  • business volume data (Idoc WPUBON01) at item level.
    • Create a transaction/event type for
    • this purpose , if necessary.
      • Assign the transaction/event type the
      • material group to which the business volumes of the text item are tobe posted.