Diagnosis The document currency cannot be determined. The document currency is the currency in which prices and conditions ofthe sales document were transferred. It can differ from the currencyused for payment. The document currency can be defined in the sales document. If it ismissing, the POS currency is used from the store master. In this case,however, there is no currency in the sales document nor in the storemaster. System Response The document is posted with the company code currency of the store. Procedure If you are absolutely sure that sales documents from the store arealways posted with the company code currency, you can ignore thiswarning. If the currency is being converted in the POS system or inR/3, you should take one of the following measures:
- If the POS system in the store allows it, you should have the currency
entered in the sales document. This is the safest method.
- Enter the POS currency in the store master. The store master must be
converted at the same time as the POS system. Only by doing so can youensure that the correct currency can be found for every sales document.
- You can fill the sales document currency using function exit
EXIT_SAPLWPUE_200 of enhancement WPUE0002.
- You can have the POS converter fill the sales document currency.
If the document currency is neither available in the sales document norin the store master, sales documents are posted using the company codecurrency. This would be wrong, however, if the currency used by the POSsystem in the store differs from the company code currency. Even if youtake the proper organizational steps to ensure that the currency in thestore is converted at the same time as the currency in the companycode, serious problems could still occur. These can occur, for example,when sales documents created before conversion are only posted afterconversion or when sales documents contained errors, were changed orcancelled.