Diagnosis The start and end dates you have entered in the selection screen arenot used unreservedly as the listing dates; dates defined in thematerial master are also taken into account. If dates have been defined for the material at distribution chainlevel, these will be used. If dates have only been defined at materialnumber level, then these will be used. In both cases, however, thedates entered in the selection screen are also taken into account. Example: Material master Stores from 01.01.1997 to 31.12.1997 DC from 01.01.1997 to 31.12.1997 Entered as selection from 15.03.1997 to 31.12.9999 Result: 15.03.1997 - 31.12.1997 If the dates defined in the material master are to be ignored, alllisting conditions generated begin as of "Listing from" and end as of"Listing to" - regardless of existing material master data. |