SAP Message WLC_PARALLEL011 - Funct. mod. &1 for data preselection of report &2 does not exist (RC:&3)

You made a Customizing setting for the function module &V2& for thedata preselection for the report &V1&.
An error was found when the system was checking to see if the functionmodule exists

System Response
The error value is &V3& uand means that
CASE '&V3&'
WHEN '2'the function module does not exist
WHEN '3'the name of the function module has the wrong format
WHEN OTHERSthere is an internal error.

IF '&V3&' = '21' OR '&V3&' = '3'
Enter an existing function module in the Customizing fieldFunction module in theMandatory options view.
Create a SAP problem message.