SAP Message WL454 - Warning: No administrator (rule '&1') for workflow &2 number &3

When the workflow '&V2&' no. &V3& was started, there was no workflowsystem administrator defined. No workflow system administrator isentered either in the basic data of the workflow definition or inworkflow Customizing.

System Response
The workflow uses the initiator of the workflow as the workflow systemadministrator. That is user &V4&, who started the workflow or whoinitiated its triggering event.

If you require another workflow system administrator for the workflow,enter this in the basic data of the workflow definition and activatethe workflow definition again.
If the workflow system administrator from the workflow definition isnot to be responsible for a particular workflow execution, you canspecify another workflow system administrator in the workflow containerin the container element _WF_ADMINISTRATOR. The default from thedefinition is then overwritten.
Complete the workflow Customizing and enter a standardworkflow system administrator for all workflows.