Diagnosis In an attempt to start a subworkflow step, the maximum permittednesting depth has been exceeded. INCLUDE NA_WF_ERROR OBJECT DOKU ID TX Procedure The maximum eligible nesting depth for subworkflow calls serves as asimple mechanism to discover unintentionl recursions ("endless loops").The value can be set in the workflow administration. Check the workflow execution: If you actually require more than thecurrently set nesting depth, then contact your workflow systemadministrator and have the value increased to an appropriate upperlimit. Then continue the stopped workflow execution. If the workflow execution runs in an unintentional endless loop orrecursion, then you must check why this occurred and correct therelevant workflow definition(s). Attention: A recursion can possiblyinvolve several workflow definitions (indirect recursive workflows). Procedure for System Administration You can change the upper limit in Customizing workflow runtime>(transaction SWPA>) in the basic settings of the workflowruntime. |