SAP Message WL392 - Maximum node number reached in process execution (endless loop?)

At present, a maximum of &V3& nodes are allowed in one workflow - seesettings for workflow runtime system or basic data of the workflowdefinition. During execution of the confirmation for work item &V1&,the node counter was increased to value &V2& while step number &V4& wasbeing processed.

System Response
The workflow was stopped as a precaution.

Please check the various steps of the workflow in the workflow log:
If an endless loop is actually occurring, please correct the workflowdefinition accordingly.
In order to continue the current process, execute the option Edit-> Set upper limit in the report program Restartworkflow.
If the configured maximum node number for this workflow is toosmall, you should increase the maximum node number for this workflowdefinition in the basic data in the Workflow Builder for the followingnew workflow instances.