SAP Message WL386 - ABAP data type '&V2&' is not allowed in a container operation

Element or expression &V1& has the ABAP data type '&V2&' which is notsupported.
The following abbreviations are used in the message:
'I': whole numbers (ABAP data type: Int1, Int2, Int4)
'P': packed numbers with decimal places and signs (Dec, Packed)
'N': character string with numerical values (Numc)
'C': character strings (Character)
'D': date
'T': time
'O' or 'o': objects from the Business Object Repository

System Response
The compare or calculate operation is not accepted in this form. Theworkflow definition contains errors.

Arithmetic operations or assignments can only consist of elements orvalues based on one of the following data types:

  • integers (internal ABAP data type I or X)

  • packed numbers, with decimal places if applicable (ABAP data type)

  • numeric character strings (ABAP data type N)

  • character strings (ABAP data type C)

  • date (ABAP data type D)

  • time (ABAP data type T)

  • objects from the Business Object Repository (Workflow)

  • Floating-point numbers (type F) are not permitted. You should thereforeonly select elements or values with the types listed above.