Diagnosis V1 was specified asresponsible agent> for stepV2. however, the users determined are notpossible agents> of thetask.System Response If &V1& is a rule for which the operation is terminated if there is noresult, the workflow was set to status error> and stopped.Otherwise, this situation is only reported as a warning. The recipients> of the workitem are determined in two steps. If there is a rule for processing inthe task definition, it is evaluated and recipients are determined. Ifthere is no rule in the task definition, all possible agents of thetask become recipients.Procedure If this situation was reported as a warning, you may revise theresponsibility in the associated workflow step definition. If an error was reported, you have two options:
- Change the specification for responsible agents so that all responsible
agents that can be determined are also possible agents of the task.
- Change the possible agents of the task.