SAP Message WL373 - Workflow & step &: Work item & for step & could not be completed

Step no. &V2& requires that the superfluous work item &V3& of step &V4&of the respective workflow definition is completed.
However, the work item &V3& could not be completed, possibly because ithas already been completed. It now has the status '&V1&'.

System Response
The processing of the workflow was resumed after step &V4& with theevent processing obsolete.

If the work item &V3& has not already been completed, you should checkthe history of the work item where further information may be logged onthe cause of the problem.
You may need to complete the work item &V3& manually or terminate it toprevent it being executed. Otherwise inconsistencies may arise when theworkflow concerned is executed.
(Also see help on 'control commands for workflow control')