SAP Message WL367 - Result of operation '& & &' is a date; type '&' not allowed


  • Only the following operations are permitted with date/time:

  • 'date - date' returns an integer
    'date - number' returns a date
    'time - number' returns a time
    'time - time' returns an integer
    • The result of any calculation or assignment must be type-compatible
    • with the operand(s) and may not lead to an overflow, i.e. the resultelement must be large enough when selected.
      The following abbreviations are used in the message:
      'I': integers (ABAP data type: Int1, Int2, Int4)
      'P': packed numbers with decimal places and signs (Dec, Packed)
      'N': character string with numerical values (Numc)
      'C': character strings (Character)
      'D': date
      'T': time
      'O' or 'o': objects from the Business Object Repository