SAP Message WJ215 - Procedure for additionals &2 is not allowed for additional &1

You are creating additionals. The combination ofadditional &V1& and procedure foradditionals &V2& that you have entered is not permitted.
The system determined the material group to whichthe additional belongs and then checked whether the procedure foradditionals that you entered is allowed with this material group. Thiswas not the case.
This check is run to prevent illogical procedures being defined for anadditional, as for example:

  • Requesting a vendor to affix a shelf-edge label. This is usually
  • carried out by the stores themselves.
    • Requesting a store to sew garment care labels into T-shirts.
    • Procedure
      Check whether additional &V1& really is to be affixed to themerchandise using the procedure you entered (&V2&).
      If you do wish to use this combination, you will need to maintain therelevant assignment in Customizing first.
      IMG link is to be added at a later date.