SAP Message WH068 - Change reason missing in items

You entered a price change date in the header segment. It is thereforenecessary to enter the reason for the price change in all item segmentswhich follow this header segment. However, the reason for the pricechange is missing in every item.

System Response
Because this price change date is entered, the system assumes that thisintermediate document was sent for the purpose of a sales pricerevaluation. However, for this revaluation to be carried out, a reasonfor the price change is needed in each item. As this is missing, thesystem cannot update the intermediate document.

If you want to carry out a sales price revaluation, please enter theprice change date and the reason for the price change at header level.Then post the document again.
If you want to carry out a store physical inventory, please enterneither a price change date nor a reason for a price change.
After you have made the change, you can repeat posting of the document.