SAP Message WH059 - The individual materials could not be determined for value-only mat. &

One of the physical inventory documents which is to be sent includesthe value-only material &V1&. You selected the "Explode value-onlymaterials" option on the report request screen "Send physical inventorydocuments. The system tried to explode value-only material &V1& todisplay all associated individual materials. This attempt wasunsuccessful.

System Response
The system sent these physical inventory document items in anintermediate document. However, the IDoc item only contains thevalue-only material, not the individual materials.

This error could be due to one of the following:

  • Listing of the individual items is incorrect.

  • Short texts are not maintained for the individual materials in the
  • language of the plant.
    • An incorrect profile for value-based inventory management is entered
    • for the plant.