SAP Message WH006 - Material &: no related document item exists

No physical inventory document item could be assigned to this item ofthe intermediate document. If a physical inventory document number, afiscal year and a line number are specified in this intermediatedocument for this item, then there is an error in these fields. Ifthese three fields are not filled, then there is no active inventorydocument item for the material in this intermediate document item.

System Response
The system cannot update this item.

If the physical inventory document number, the fiscal year and the linenumber are specified in the intermediate document, please correct thesefields using the intermediate document editor. If no active physicalinventory document item exists for this material, you can create aphysical inventory document. In both cases please start inboundprocessing for this intermediate document again.
In Customizing for the store physical inventory you can enter how thesystem is to react to count items which do not have a documentreference. For example, the system can create physical inventorydocuments directly.