Diagnosis The system read fewer entries from the database than expected for somehistorical time series.
- One reason for this could be that no sales have occurred in the periods
in question and the forecast has not taken place for these articles forsome time. Both processes update the database table WFCS_WRFT, in whichthe historical time series and the forecast time series are saved.
- Another reason could be that the period indicator has been changed in
the meantime.System Response For incomplete time series, the system checks each available period tosee whether the first day of the period is a valid date for therelevant period split (daily, weekly, monthly, posting periods). Ifthis is so, the system fills the missing periods with zero consumptionso that a forecast can take place. The system also checks whether theperiod indicator has changed in the meantime. If you change the period indicator from a long period split to ashorter one (for example, from week to day), this check can beinaccurate. Procedure The number of time series completed appears in the application log forthe forecast (transaction WFCSL01) when you display the "Amount" field.